Design thinking 101: From Problem to Opportunity

Design thinking/Innovation
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Let’s face it, with the declining era of branding and customer loyalty, innovation is nothing less than a survival strategy as already stated Tim Brown. Survival is no longer an option. We must adapt to remain viable. Fortunately, design thinking provides the needed framework to remain relevant in our competitive market place. It unleashes our creativity

Capitalism: a god given gift

Capitalism: a god given gift
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Reading Time: 1 minute

Over the past century, Capitalism lifted billions of people out of poverty and created prosperity not just for a few, but for many.  It led to technological innovation, which as a result increased the per capita income and the life expectancy of individuals. The world saw progress in medicine, biotechnology, disease prevention and agricultural production etc… Moreover, capitalism promoted human creativity and incentivized individuals to solve worldwide problems. Most importantly, it contributed to the expansion of democracy worldwide. Unfortunately, over the past decades, capitalism has evolved into crony capitalism, known as the belief that the only purpose of business is to maximize on profits. It is an economic way of doing and thinking that led to the exponential exploitation of workers, increased inequality and also destroyed the environment.