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Finding one’s purpose requires an understanding of oneself, one’s heritage and most importantly, one’s deepest aspiration. It takes time. It takes reflection. It takes patience. It took me 25 years. My purpose is to inspire and to create opportunities for others. I was born to lay the path for others so that they can live a much more peaceful and meaningful life. Along the way, I might become a writer, a thinker, an essayist, a president, or even an entrepreneur. However, all these affiliations are only a mean to an end(purpose); a mean to empowering or lifting others. My purpose captures my essence and reminds me what is truly important to me. It is a call to action; one that add value to your humanity.

The American Poet E.E Cummings once stated that to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, to make you everybody else is one of the most essential and meaningful battle that any human being can fight. To be yourself is to live your life according to your purpose. But, finding one’s purpose is one of the hardest things in life. Everywhere and everyone around us are constantly telling us what we should or should not do. They tell us what is important to us or who we should become. Almost everyone is constantly pushing us toward a road or a destination that is more often far from the one we envision for ourselves. Unfortunately, even in Western nations that seem to value authenticity and self-expression, the majority of people never finds their purpose.

Sadly, everyone dies but not everyone lives stated the rapper Drake. One of the greatest tragedies of human existence is that too many of us go to our grave without ever expressing ourselves or accomplishing our aim.  Without finding our purpose, we can never know what really motivates us or live a meaningful life. Too many of us confuse our purpose to our career. Striving to become the wealthiest man in the world, a president or an engineer is a career goal, not a purpose. It is only a mean to expressing our essence. It becomes much easier to accomplish our big or unrealistic career goal 😉 when we know what motivate us. When we find our purpose, it becomes easier to say NO to all the noise and all the added distraction. Finding it is the key to our success and to the days ahead. Do not ever forget that the graveyard is our last destination. The final one. What we do in between is our choice.

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