Reading Time: 2 minutes

Economic capacity dictates political power. This is the reality of our life and our existence. It is also the greatest threat to our freedom, to our individuality and most importantly, to our cultural diversity. With the development of the internet and technology, many multinationals moved from developed to developing countries to protect their bottom line. Along the way, they also imposed their values and preferences to their host countries. While watching the documentary Call Centers in Delhi, I saw how Indians were forced to see the customer as god. They had to change their name from Rasha to Russell, Sanjah to Shawn and trained to speak with an American accent. All this to obtain a low paying stressful job.

Even though I found the documentary deplorable, despicable and frankly, demeaning, I certainly understand why someone coming from a low income background might be willing to go through a process of dehumanization to obtain a job. An adherence to indigenous values, culture and norms does not put food on the table. Your earning does. Undoubtedly, corporate outsourcing creates jobs and gives opportunities to skilled workers in developing countries. However, corporations should not use this need to leverage their economic might and impose their political will. Stripping people of their identity to satisfy the need of any customer is wrong. Plain and simple. An Indian putting on an american accent is pathetic and demeaning. The reality is that outsourcing is a trend that can never be reverted. The world is becoming more and more integrated and English is becoming the common language of business. But along the way, outsourcing cannot become another form of colonization or imperialism. It should never not lead to a loss of individuality, dehumanization and cultural diversity. Nations must implement policies that preserve their cultural heritage and identity while or when attracting multinationals.




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