Une reconnaissance, un remerciement et une appréciation

Une reconnaissance, un remerciement et une appréciation
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Aujourd’hui, je finis mon premier semestre depuis que j’ai officiellement repris les cours.  Je n’ai jamais été autant occupé de ma vie. Je n’ai jamais autant lis, autant appris. Les cinq derniers mois n’ont pas été facile, mais par la grâce de Dieu, je finis tout comme j’avais commencé avec un sourire et une certaine

Collaboration: A prerequisite to economic development

Economic development
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Urbanization creates proximity in a city. However, it is only when a city develops a collaborative culture that value is created. Collaboration is an essential component of economic development. As we work toward developing cities that attract more people, we must  become intentional about developing a culture of collaboration. Creating an environment where individuals are rewarded

Disruptive vs Sustaining Innovation

Disruptive vs Sustaining Innovation
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How come so many established companies are often disrupted from their dominant market place by smaller companies? The theory of disruption, known as the process “whereby a smaller company with fewer resources is able to successfully challenge established incumbent business” stated Clay. When a company established itself in a dominant market place, it is very good