Reflection from the Camp: Landing Your Own Plane

Reflection from the Camp: Landing Your Own Plane
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Our MBA cohort, twenty-five students and nineteen coming from different countries, visited the Camp in Aix-en-Provence, France for two days during the Spring Break. The Camp, officially opened this past September, is the first social innovation center of its kind in Europe and aims to bring people from different fields and organizations to tap into

Tips to give constructive feedback–PROSOC Model

Tips to give constructive feedback–PROSOC Model
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The purpose of constructive feedback is to discuss shortcomings, not to lambast individual. If you want to be heard and listened to, you must first empathize with the person you are giving feedback to. I recommend using the PROSOC method/model 😉 that contains three essential steps: Praise & Recognition: It is valuable to recognize and

Macron, les Jeunes et le Laxisme

Macron et le Burkina
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J’en ai marre de voir l’Afrique Francophone se faire représenter toujours par les derniers. Quand je parle des derniers, je ne fais pas référence au bulletin scolaire. Je fais allusion à toutes ces personnes qui sont  bénéficiaires du népotisme. Face au président Macron, les jeunes du Burkina se sont mal pries. Rencontrer un président de